German Americans United

German Americans United is an attempt to bring the German groups of Facebook and other social platforms together in one place. About 17% of Americans claim to have German ancestry, which means every sixth American is German American, the largest of the ancestry groups reported by the US Census Bureau.

German Americans United

In light of the facts mentioned above, I wondered where everybody is. Searching on Facebook, I became aware of how many groups are in existence. Only a few know of each other, communicate with each other, or are in contact with each other. This was a good enough reason for me to reach out to you and, with your help, to create this directory. For people who immigrated a long time ago, people just immigrated or planning to stay in the United States and for the generations to come.

I welcome groups showing an interest in the German language, culture, tradition, and life. The listed groups reflect a great variety of it. Almost every State is included and two groups from Germany. It works both ways.

The gallery makes it easy to find the groups on Facebook and connect. Click on the picture, and you will be redirected to a group in your state and area. Let us grow as one community.

Yours, Oma