Knit one - purl one Ribbing and Fringes

Knit one – Purl one, Ribbing and Fringes

Knit one – Purl one Continental Knitting Ribbing and Fringes!

How to knit the rib stitch, how to create fringes -easy tutorial knitting lesson for ribbing and fringes!

The explanations are easy to understand and are in support of Oma’s video “knit one – purl one ribbing and fringes tutorial”

Click here to watch video.


Calculation of stitches and how to get there!

The pattern in the example of calculating the stitches is  * knit one – purl one* . In this case the stitch pattern has 2 stitches. You want to end with the same stitch as you started, though that both sides of your work have the same pattern. Measure the width you want and estimate an approximate amount of stitches. The number has to be a multiply of 2 (stitch pattern) plus the amount of the half of the stitch pattern, which is here 1. Once you have your amount of stitches, you always have to add 2 more stitches for the edge stitches (one stitch on the beginning and one stitch on the end of a row).

Click on drawing to enlarge.


Explanation of abbreviation:

  • SP = Stitch Pattern
  • FS = Front Side
  • BS = Back Side
  • ES = Edge Stitch
  • K   = Knit Stitch
  • P   = Purl Stitch

Ribbing in combination with different fringes

Ribbing  stitch pattern  *1 knit – 1 purl*  and fringes with beads

Multiply stitch pattern by 2 plus 1 stitch plus 2 stitches for edge stitch.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

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Ribbing stitch pattern  *4 purl – 2 knit and fringes with braids

Multiply stitch pattern by 6 plus 4 stitches plus 2 stitches for edge stitch. This applies

if you start with 4 purl stitches. If you start with 2 knit stitches, you multiply

the stitch pattern by 6 plus 2 stitches (knit stitches) plus 2 stitches for edge stitch.


Ribbing stitch pattern  *2 knit – 2 purl*  and fringes with buttons

Multiply stitch pattern by 4 plus 2 stitches plus 2 stitches for edge stitch.

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*Garter stitch*  with simple fringes

Knitted or purled on both sides of the work
